Saturday 20 April 2013


Well at last the weather has picked up, and not before time. We returned from a couple of weeks away on 13th April and have been busy at the allotment since then. 
We began by planting lettuce ('Cos' and 'Lollo Rosso'), brussel sprouts, swiss chard ('Bright Light') and carrot seedlings, and protected some of these with a cloche.
There are various mini fruit trees at the allotment, and these are coming into bud: 3 pear, 3 apple, 2 cherry, and one fig. Can't be bad!

I planted two rows of Pentland Javelin potatoes. They've been chitting in the shed and I suppose it's the gloomy weather that's meant that the little shoots are only tiny. I'm don't think that'll stop them growing, but we'll see.

Asparagus was next and, as this was a first time for me, I was very careful to follow the instructions on the packet. The key is that the roots are rather delicate so you have to build a little ridge in the trench and drape the roots over the sides. You then need to cover them gently so the lumps of soil don't damage them (see below).

I also planted a row of Jerusalem artichokes (to the left of the incinerator, see below) 

A good dig and rake around the mini-apple trees and I was ready for a break.

So quite an improvement from the overgrown plot I inherited back in October. Lucy (my wife) has planted a climbing rose alongside the shed and is going to keep me on my toes because she's training at the KLC to be a garden designer, so I'd better watch out...

The other news is that the onions and shallots are finally sprouting out (in a nice straight line Lucy).
Plans: To the right of the path we'll grown French climbing beans. Rhubarb behind the mini pear trees. And we have parsnip seedlings (and more carrots, lettuce and brassicas) to plant next time we have the opportunity. Then we'll take stock and plan how we use the rest of the available space. I'm keen to grow leeks although there's been an outbreak of leek moth.
I am determined to grow tomatoes, although I'm told blight is a major problem at Garrett Park allotments. I'll dig a big hole and fil lit with compost before planting each tomato plant that I've grown indoors at home - Radiator Charlie's Mortgage Lifter and Sweet Million (cherry toms).

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