Wednesday 15 July 2015

JULY PLANTING Tomatoes & Squash

Pre holiday planting session today. 
Cleared out all remaining plants from the back garden, several varieties of tomatoes, squash and pumpkins. The plants were good specimens, so I'm hoping that by the time we get back from our holidays we'll have something to show for our efforts. 

The chillies (behind the windbreaker) are growing slowly.

The ground had a good watering, but it dries out vet quickly. Will add some good organic matter and compost in the late autumn. 

Monday 18 May 2015

MAY 2015

It hasn't been a bad start to the year. Temperatures have been higher than normal, there's been rain, and the fruit trees and bushes have benefitted accordingly.
I harvested a couple of very nice cabbages yesterday which scared the children somewhat. 
Perfect with ham, mash and mustard sauce I reckon. 
Garlic and onions as well as shallots (bottom left).

French climbing beans. 

Beans were grown in loo rolls. Is there any other way?

Figs. Only produced a handful last year. 

Have quite a few pumpkins and squash plants ready this year. Great for ground cover and don't need much care while we're away on holiday. Bit of rain would help of course. Might have planted them out too early, but have some reserves.

Gooseberries. This is the first year (in three) that any fruit have appeared!

I've earthed up the potatoes. I'll do that once more. At least. 

A plastic screen wind break should help the chilies and tomatoes. 

A white rose grown from a cutting donated by a friend is doing well. 

I´ve planted surplus beans plants along the perimeter fence. They might do ok?

Lucy's poppies are ready to flower. They were amazing last year. 
All in all it´s not looking too bad considering how little time I´ve been 
able to spend there. Would be nice to get the kids more involved but
the X-Box is king I´m afraid :(


They flowered!

Sweetcorn and leeks. I'm told that the squirrels will get the corn no matter what. 

Tomato: San Marzano.